
The latest release of SKPAR can be found on GitHub.

User (w/o sudo or root privilege):

pip3 install --upgrade --user skpar

Please omit the –user option above if installing within a virtual environment.


Clone the repository and go to the newly created directory of the repository.

Issue the following command from the root directory of the repository.

pip3 install --upgrade --user -e .

Please omit the –user option above if installing within a virtual environment.

To uninstall:

pip3 uninstall skpar


SKPAR’s operation requires:

  • YAML support, for setting up the optimisation,
  • the DEAP library, for the Particle Swarm Optimisation engine,
  • NumPy for data structures, and,
  • Matplotlib for plotting.


If cloning the repository, once installation of SKPAR and its dependencies is complete, it is important to ensure that the test suite runs without failures, so:

cd skpar_folder/test
python3 -m unittest

Tests runtime is under 30 sec and should result in no errors or failures.